Get to know Brazilian culture through one of the most representative celebrations in the country
allow acess to one of several cultural espressions of the Black presence in Brazil, indentifying cultural content from the time of the colonization period and the formation of brazilian cultural identity in addition to association the visit and embracing numerous historical sites that hark back to Black presence in Brazil. Part of this stage contemplates visits to the states of: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Goiás. Plus, there is experiencing Cultural expresions of the time such as the traditional festivals of congada in the cities of: Uberlândia, Araguari and Catalão which are places where the three days of festivals bring together an average of 250.000 people constituting the largest celebration of Black culture in the southeast of the State of Goiás and Minas Gerais, in region of Triângulo Mineiro an Alto Paranaíba.